Past Events from September 17, 2021 – June 6, 2022 – Page 3 – Wichita Veterans Memorial Park
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USS Porterfield DD 682 Reunion

The reunion includes a ceremony held at the USS Wichita Memorial (in WVMP down along the River towards the Keeper of the Plains statue). This ceremony will occur at the USS Wichita Memorial near the Arkansas River and include: Flag-lined sidewalk Color Guard "Taps," etc...

Berlin Airlift Commemoration

The Berlin Airlift was "a military operation in the late 1940s that brought food and other needed goods into West Berlin by air after the government of East Germany, which at that time surrounded West Berlin, had cut off its supply routes. The United States joined with...

Tolling of the Boats

The Tolling of the Boats ceremony honors and remembers all lost submarines and submarine sailors of the United States Navy. The ceremony was initiated by the United States Submarine Veterans of World War II to remember their lost friends and shipmates lost during World War...

Veterans Day

WVMP will honor all veterans who served in the US military with a ceremony at the Flag Pavillion. This ceremony will include: Flag-lined entry sidewalk to the Park’s Flag Pavilion Introduction and opening remarks Chaplain invocation Speaker Color guard presentation of The Colors 21-gun salute...

Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration

“Taps” will be played on the bugle and a memorial wreath will be laid at the Pearl Harbor Memorial.

Wreaths Across America at WVMP

Approximately a one hour ceremony occurring simultaneously with other WAA ceremonies around the country. This local ceremony will occur at the Park's Flag Pavilion and include: Flag-lined entry sidewalk to the Park’s Flag Pavilion Introduction and opening remarks Chaplain invocation Color guard presentation of The...

Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day

In 2017 President Trump designated March 29th as National Vietnam Veterans Day. This was the last day - in 1973 - when US combat troops left South Vietnam. In recognition of Vietnam Veterans, a brief ceremony will be held at WVMP's Vietnam War Veterans Memorial ...

Victory in Europe (VE) Day Commemoration

“Victory in Europe Day is the day celebrating the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces on Tuesday, 8 May 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe. (SOURCE: Wikipedia, Victory in Europe...

Memorial Day (Decoration Day) Commemoration

Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. On this day, the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military are honored. Memorial Day originated in the years following the Civil War and became an...