The USS Dorado Memorial reflects the US Submarine Veterans of WWII commitment to remember their brothers lost at sea and on Eternal Patrol. The memorial was dedicated on October 13, 1984. The initial memorial consisted of a stone remembering the loss of the USS Dorado (SS-248) and the 77 men who went down with her on October 12, 1943.
The MK-14 Exercise Torpedo was added in 1995. The MK-14 Steam Torpedo was the primary weapon of US Navy submarines during WWII.
The two benches were donated by a member of the Dry Docked Dolphins, the Kansas Chapter of the US Submarine Veterans of WWII.
United States Submarine Veterans, Inc, Dorado Base holds a Tolling of the Boats ceremony annually at the USS Dorado Memorial. The ceremony recalls each USN submarine lost, the date of the loss, the circumstances of the loss and the number of men lost. A ship’s bell is tolled with the announcement of each boat.
Contact: Bob Fugit 316-393-3569,
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